How can leaders show that they are ethically strong people?
* They must show in all things that they do that they are trustworthy; their motives are transparent; and their dealings are always fair and honest. This will inspire their followers to behave in the same way, too.
* Leaders need to associate with other people who are also ethical.
* Leaders need to train other people to reach for their objectives. Leaders should never act as if they are jealousy guarding the secrets to success. They have to openly share these secrets with others--for this is the ethical thing to do.
* Leaders who are ethical always give credit where credit is due. They should express gratitude whenever possible.
* The leader first needs to be in command of himself, controlling his thoughts and taming his emotions. Once he has complete control over himself only then he can have command over the followers.
* Leaders are unafraid of making mistakes. These are their keys to unlocking the doors of greater perception and achievement. Ethical leaders admit to their mistakes and never try to cover them up with dishonesty. Leaders must demonstrate fearlessness about making mistakes, to inspire others to get out of their comfort zones and achieve new levels.
* Leader knows when it is time to seek guidance or advice from other people. Leaders are never ashamed of doing this. In this way, they teach their followers never to be ashamed to come to them for answers or help.
* Leaders understand time management, and they are organized.
* Ethical leaders look to higher things that are above themselves for their inspiration. Whether it's ''God'', or ''the gods'', or ''the voice of the cosmos'', or ''a higher plane'', all ethical leaders are, in one way or another, spiritual people.