There are many people who are successful in the finance careers even without having a college degree. Many people have even never gone to college but have learnt on the job and have made successful in finance careers. There are some areas in finance which are built on heavy education like the accountants, CPA's and analysts. These trees of finance require high education. On the contrary there are certain areas which do not require high education. These areas don't require heavy education and specialized training. There are various categories of jobs in the finance industry. The stock brokers, financial advisors and many more require some education along with some certification and licensing.
The stock brokers and financial advisors careers also have good scopes in futures. The stock brokers, financial advisors and financial representatives are basically the sales men of the finance industry. The careers of these people have good options for growth and progress. A finance or investment related degree is not usually required in the top financial firms. The downside to the finance career is the compensation that you earn. The compensation is mostly the commission or fee based. The finance industry is tough. You should be capable enough to stand out of the competition of this industry. The finance careers are also affected by the bad economic times. The finance industry is very much affected by the ups and downs of the economy.
The CEO jobs in finance industry require heavy education, training and experience. CEO jobs in the finance field are not easy to get. The CEO jobs are available in the rare category of jobs. You need to work-hard to get the job of a CEO. The CEO careers have excellent futures. There are tremendous benefits in the CEO careers.