The position of the CEO is the high profile and high level position. The CEO Job is among the highest ranking officer's job position. All the employees send their ultimate reports to the CEO of the company. The CEOs usually perform several functions. They mostly determine the businesses' profitability and success. The CEOs are also responsible for development and implementation of the strategic plans. The CEOs also focus on the development and execution of these plans.
The CEOs cannot work without the help of the board of directors. The average salary of a CEO depends largely on number of factors within the firm. The average salary of a CEO depends upon how many factors he is handling and how many number of years' work experience he holds. The experience of the CEO matters a lot in many firms. If you have a work experience as a CEO within one to four years then his average salary would be between $61,539 and $155,306. If you have a work experience of CEO from five to nine years then he can have the average salary of $79,068 and of $183,453. Likewise the salary increases for different years of experience. The comparative salary of a CEO differs from company to company and from a self-employed CEO to a company employed CEO. The public traded companies have starting salary of $108,082 and the private companies have $100,013.
The CEO jobs are available in different fields. The CEO Job is hard to get. The CEO jobs and CEO careers require talented, highly qualified and experienced persons. The CEO careers have great scopes of earnings and learning.